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[Drupal教程] Drupal的组成部分 9.常量

发表于 11-29-2011 07:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
名称sort icon位置描述
BLOCK_CACHE_GLOBALmodules/ block/ block.moduleThe block is the same for every user on every page where it is visible.
BLOCK_CACHE_PER_PAGEmodules/ block/ block.moduleThe block can change depending on the page being viewed.
BLOCK_CACHE_PER_ROLEmodules/ block/ block.moduleThe block can change depending on the roles the user viewing the page belongs to.
This is the default setting, used when the block does not specify anything.
BLOCK_CACHE_PER_USERmodules/ block/ block.moduleThe block can change depending on the user viewing the page.
This setting can be resource-consuming for sites with large number of users,
and thus should only be used when BLOCK_CACHE_PER_ROLE is not sufficient.
BLOCK_NO_CACHEmodules/ block/ block.moduleThe block should not get cached. This setting should be used:
for simple blocks (notably those that do not perform any db query),
where querying the db cache would be more expensive than directly generating
the content.
for blocks that change too...
BLOCK_REGION_NONEmodules/ block/ block.moduleDenotes that a block is not enabled in any region and should not be shown.
CACHE_AGGRESSIVEincludes/ bootstrap.incIndicates that page caching is using "aggressive" mode. This bypasses
loading any modules for additional speed, which may break functionality in
modules that expect to be run on each page load.
CACHE_DISABLEDincludes/ bootstrap.incIndicates that page caching is disabled.
CACHE_NORMALincludes/ bootstrap.incIndicates that page caching is enabled, using "normal" mode.
CACHE_PERMANENTincludes/ bootstrap.incIndicates that the item should never be removed unless explicitly told to
using 7 }1 `1 F2 Z, r: i8 W; _ entries will be cleared from the cache_page and cache_block tables." href="http://www.drupaluser.org/api/function/cache_clear_all/7" style="color: rgb(0, 113, 179); text-decoration: none; ">cache_clear_all() with a cache ID.
CACHE_TEMPORARYincludes/ bootstrap.incIndicates that the item should be removed at the next general cache wipe.
CHECK_PLAINincludes/ bootstrap.incFlag for drupal_set_title(); text is not sanitized, so run check_plain().
COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAYNOT_CONTACTmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleAnonymous posters cannot enter their contact information.
COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MAY_CONTACTmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleAnonymous posters may leave their contact information.
COMMENT_ANONYMOUS_MUST_CONTACTmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleAnonymous posters are required to leave their contact information.
COMMENT_FORM_BELOWmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment form should be shown below post or list of comments.
COMMENT_FORM_SEPARATE_PAGEmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment form should be displayed on a separate page.
COMMENT_MODE_FLAT_COLLAPSEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments are displayed in a flat list - collapsed.
COMMENT_MODE_FLAT_EXPANDEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments are displayed in a flat list - expanded.
COMMENT_MODE_THREADED_COLLAPSEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments are displayed as a threaded list - collapsed.
COMMENT_MODE_THREADED_EXPANDEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments are displayed as a threaded list - expanded.
COMMENT_NODE_DISABLEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments for this node are disabled.
COMMENT_NODE_READ_ONLYmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments for this node are locked.
COMMENT_NODE_READ_WRITEmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComments are enabled on this node.
COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment is awaiting approval.
COMMENT_PREVIEW_OPTIONALmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment preview is optional.
COMMENT_PREVIEW_REQUIREDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment preview is required.
COMMENT_PUBLISHEDmodules/ comment/ comment.moduleComment is published.
DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RIDincludes/ bootstrap.incRole ID for anonymous users; should match what's in the "role" table.
DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RIDincludes/ bootstrap.incRole ID for authenticated users; should match what's in the "role" table.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_ACCESSincludes/ bootstrap.incFourth bootstrap phase: identify and reject banned hosts.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIGURATIONincludes/ bootstrap.incFirst bootstrap phase: initialize configuration.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASEincludes/ bootstrap.incThird bootstrap phase: initialize database layer.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_EARLY_PAGE_CACHEincludes/ bootstrap.incSecond bootstrap phase: try to call a non-database cache
fetch routine.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULLincludes/ bootstrap.incFinal bootstrap phase: Drupal is fully loaded; validate and fix
input data.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LANGUAGEincludes/ bootstrap.incEighth bootstrap phase: find out language of the page.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_LATE_PAGE_CACHEincludes/ bootstrap.incSeventh bootstrap phase: loadbootstrap.inc and module.inc, start
the variable system and try to serve a page from the cache.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_PATHincludes/ bootstrap.incNineth bootstrap phase: set $_GET['q'] to Drupal path of request.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_SESSIONincludes/ bootstrap.incFifth bootstrap phase: initialize session handling.
DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_VARIABLESincludes/ bootstrap.incSixth bootstrap phase: initialize the variable system.
DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITYmodules/ system/ system.moduleCore API compatibility.
DRUPAL_HASH_COUNTincludes/ password.incThe standard log2 number of iterations for password stretching. This should
increase by 1 at least every other Drupal version in order to counteract
increases in the speed and power of computers available to crack the hashes.
DRUPAL_KILOBYTEincludes/ bootstrap.incThe number of bytes in a kilobyte. The scientific standard for kilo is 1000,
but used commonly in the field of computers to represent 1024 bits. For more
information on the different standards please visit:
DRUPAL_MAXIMUM_TEMP_FILE_AGEmodules/ system/ system.moduleMaximum age of temporary files in seconds.
DRUPAL_MAX_HASH_COUNTincludes/ password.incThe maximum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching.
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_MYSQLmodules/ system/ system.moduleMinimum supported version of MySQL, if it is used.
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PGSQLmodules/ system/ system.moduleMinimum supported version of PostgreSQL, if it is used.
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHPmodules/ system/ system.moduleMinimum supported version of PHP.
DRUPAL_MINIMUM_PHP_MEMORY_LIMITmodules/ system/ system.moduleMinimum recommended value of PHP memory_limit.
DRUPAL_MIN_HASH_COUNTincludes/ password.incThe minimum allowed log2 number of iterations for password stretching.
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DRUPAL_ROOTinstall.phpRoot directory of Drupal installation.
DRUPAL_USER_TIMEZONE_DEFAULTmodules/ system/ system.moduleNew users will be set to the default time zone at registration.
DRUPAL_USER_TIMEZONE_EMPTYmodules/ system/ system.moduleNew users will get an empty time zone at registration.
DRUPAL_USER_TIMEZONE_SELECTmodules/ system/ system.moduleNew users will select their own timezone at registration.
EMAIL_MAX_LENGTHmodules/ user/ user.moduleMaximum length of user e-mail text field.
FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORYincludes/ file.incFlag used by file_check_directory() -- create directory if not present.
FILE_DOWNLOADS_PRIVATEincludes/ file.incFlag to indicate that the 'private' file download method is enabled.
FILE_DOWNLOADS_PUBLICincludes/ file.incFlag to indicate that the 'public' file download method is enabled.
FILE_EXECUTABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is executable.
FILE_EXISTincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File exists.
FILE_EXISTS_ERRORincludes/ file.incFlag for dealing with existing files: Do nothing and return FALSE.
FILE_EXISTS_RENAMEincludes/ file.incFlag for dealing with existing files: Appends number until name is unique.
FILE_EXISTS_REPLACEincludes/ file.incFlag for dealing with existing files: Replace the existing file.
FILE_MODIFY_PERMISSIONSincludes/ file.incFlag used by file_check_directory() -- file permissions may be changed.
FILE_NOT_EXECUTABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is not executable.
FILE_NOT_EXISTincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File does not exist.
FILE_NOT_READABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is not readable.
FILE_NOT_WRITABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is not writable.
FILE_READABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is readable.
FILE_STATUS_PERMANENTincludes/ file.incFile status -- This bit in the status indicates that the file is permanent
and should not be deleted during file garbage collection process. Temporary
files older than DRUPAL_MAXIMUM_TEMP_FILE_AGE will be removed during cron
FILE_WRITABLEincludes/ install.incFile permission check -- File is writable.
FILTER_FORMAT_DEFAULTmodules/ filter/ filter.moduleSpecial format ID which means "use the default format".
JS_DEFAULTincludes/ common.incThe default weight of JavaScript being added to the page.
JS_LIBRARYincludes/ common.incThe weight of JavaScript libraries, settings or jQuery plugins being
added to the page.
JS_THEMEincludes/ common.incThe weight of theme JavaScript code being added to the page.
LANGUAGE_LTRmodules/ locale/ locale.moduleLanguage written left to right. Possible value of $language->direction.
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_DOMAINincludes/ bootstrap.incDomain based negotiation with fallback to default language
if no language identified by domain.
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_NONEincludes/ bootstrap.incNo language negotiation. The default language is used.
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATHincludes/ bootstrap.incPath based negotiation with fallback to user preferences
and browser language detection if no defined path prefix
LANGUAGE_NEGOTIATION_PATH_DEFAULTincludes/ bootstrap.incPath based negotiation with fallback to default language
if no defined path prefix identified.
LANGUAGE_RTLmodules/ locale/ locale.moduleLanguage written right to left. Possible value of $language->direction.
LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEPincludes/ locale.incTranslation import mode keeping existing translations and only
inserting new strings.
LOCALE_IMPORT_OVERWRITEincludes/ locale.incTranslation import mode overwriting all existing translations
if new translated version available.
LOCALE_JS_STRINGincludes/ locale.incRegular expression pattern used to localize JavaScript strings.
MAINTENANCE_MODEinstall.phpGlobal flag to indicate that site is in installation mode.
MARK_NEWincludes/ theme.incMark content as being new.
MARK_READincludes/ theme.incMark content as read.
MARK_UPDATEDincludes/ theme.incMark content as being updated.
MENU_ACCESS_DENIEDincludes/ menu.incInternal menu status code -- Menu item access is denied.
MENU_CALLBACKincludes/ menu.incMenu type -- A hidden, internal callback, typically used for API calls.
MENU_CREATED_BY_ADMINincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item was created by administrator.
MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASKincludes/ menu.incMenu type -- The "default" local task, which is initially active.
MENU_FOUNDincludes/ menu.incInternal menu status code -- Menu item was found.
MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASKincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item is a local task.
MENU_IS_ROOTincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item is the root of the menu tree.
MENU_LINKS_TO_PARENTincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item links back to its parnet.
MENU_LOCAL_TASKincludes/ menu.incMenu type -- A task specific to the parent item, usually rendered as a tab.
MENU_MAX_DEPTHincludes/ menu.incThe maximum depth of a menu links tree - matches the number of p columns.
MENU_MAX_MENU_NAME_LENGTH_UImodules/ menu/ menu.moduleMaximum length of menu name as entered by the user. Database length is 32
and we add a menu- prefix.
MENU_MAX_PARTSincludes/ menu.incThe maximum number of path elements for a menu callback
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MENU_MODIFIED_BY_ADMINincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item can be modified by administrator.
MENU_NORMAL_ITEMincludes/ menu.incMenu type -- A "normal" menu item that's shown in menu and breadcrumbs.
MENU_NOT_FOUNDincludes/ menu.incInternal menu status code -- Menu item was not found.
MENU_SITE_OFFLINEincludes/ menu.incInternal menu status code -- Menu item inaccessible because site is offline.
MENU_SUGGESTED_ITEMincludes/ menu.incMenu type -- A normal menu item, hidden until enabled by an administrator.
MENU_VISIBLE_IN_BREADCRUMBincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item is visible in the breadcrumb.
MENU_VISIBLE_IN_TREEincludes/ menu.incInternal menu flag -- menu item is visible in the menu tree.
MODULE_IMPLEMENTS_CLEAR_CACHEincludes/ module.incPass this to module_implements when its cache needs to be cleared.
MODULE_IMPLEMENTS_WRITE_CACHEincludes/ module.incPass this to module_implements when its cache needs to be written.
NODE_BUILD_NORMALmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being viewed normally.
NODE_BUILD_PREVIEWmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being previewed.
NODE_BUILD_PRINTmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being printed.
NODE_BUILD_RSSmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being displayed as part of an RSS feed.
NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_INDEXmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being indexed by search module.
NODE_BUILD_SEARCH_RESULTmodules/ node/ node.moduleNode is being built before being displayed as a search result.
NODE_NEW_LIMITmodules/ node/ node.moduleNodes changed before this time are always marked as read.
OPENID_DH_DEFAULT_GENmodules/ openid/ openid.incDiffie-Hellman generator; used for Diffie-Hellman key exchange computations.
OPENID_DH_DEFAULT_MODmodules/ openid/ openid.incDiffie-Hellman Key Exchange Default Value.
OPENID_NS_1_0modules/ openid/ openid.incOpenID Authentication 1.0 namespace URL; used for backwards-compatibility.
OPENID_NS_1_1modules/ openid/ openid.incOpenID Authentication 1.1 namespace URL; used for backwards-compatibility.
OPENID_NS_2_0modules/ openid/ openid.incOpenID Authentication 2.0 namespace URL.
OPENID_RAND_SOURCEmodules/ openid/ openid.incRandom number generator; used for Diffie-Hellman key exchange computations.
OPENID_SHA1_BLOCKSIZEmodules/ openid/ openid.incSHA-1 hash block size; used for Diffie-Hellman key exchange computations.
PASS_THROUGHincludes/ bootstrap.incFlag for drupal_set_title(); text has already been sanitized.
PREG_CLASS_CJKmodules/ search/ search.moduleMatches all CJK characters that are candidates for auto-splitting
(Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
Contains kana and BMP ideographs.
PREG_CLASS_NUMBERSmodules/ search/ search.moduleMatches all 'N' Unicode character classes (numbers)
PREG_CLASS_PUNCTUATIONmodules/ search/ search.moduleMatches all 'P' Unicode character classes (punctuation)
PREG_CLASS_SEARCH_EXCLUDEmodules/ search/ search.moduleMatches Unicode character classes to exclude from the search index.
PROFILE_HIDDENmodules/ profile/ profile.moduleHidden profile field, only accessible by administrators, modules and themes.
PROFILE_PRIVATEmodules/ profile/ profile.modulePrivate field, content only available to privileged users.
PROFILE_PUBLICmodules/ profile/ profile.modulePublic field, content shown on profile page but not used on member list pages.
PROFILE_PUBLIC_LISTINGSmodules/ profile/ profile.modulePublic field, content shown on profile page and on member list pages.
REGISTRY_RESET_LOOKUP_CACHEincludes/ bootstrap.incSignals that the registry lookup cache should be reset.
REGISTRY_WRITE_LOOKUP_CACHEincludes/ bootstrap.incSignals that the registry lookup cache should be written to storage.
REQUEST_TIMEincludes/ bootstrap.incFor convenience, define a short form of the request time global.
REQUIREMENT_ERRORincludes/ install.incRequirement severity -- Error condition; abort installation.
REQUIREMENT_INFOincludes/ install.incRequirement severity -- Informational message only.
REQUIREMENT_OKincludes/ install.incRequirement severity -- Requirement successfully met.
REQUIREMENT_WARNINGincludes/ install.incRequirement severity -- Warning condition; proceed but flag warning.
SAVED_DELETEDincludes/ common.incReturn status for saving which deleted an existing item.
SAVED_NEWincludes/ common.incReturn status for saving which involved creating a new item.
SAVED_UPDATEDincludes/ common.incReturn status for saving which involved an update to an existing item.
SCHEMA_INSTALLEDincludes/ install.incIndicates that a module has been installed.
SCHEMA_UNINSTALLEDincludes/ install.incIndicates that a module has not been installed yet.
TRANSLATION_ENABLEDmodules/ translation/ translation.moduleIdentifies a content type which has translation support enabled.
UNICODE_ERRORincludes/ unicode.incIndicates an error during check for PHP unicode support.
UNICODE_MULTIBYTEincludes/ unicode.incIndicates that full unicode support with the PHP mbstring extension is being
UNICODE_SINGLEBYTEincludes/ unicode.incIndicates that standard PHP (emulated) unicode support is being used.
UPDATE_CURRENTmodules/ update/ update.moduleProject is up to date.
UPDATE_DEFAULT_URLmodules/ update/ update.moduleURL to check for updates, if a given project doesn't define its own.
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UPDATE_NOT_CHECKEDmodules/ update/ update.moduleProject's status cannot be checked.
UPDATE_NOT_CURRENTmodules/ update/ update.moduleProject has a new release available, but it is not a security release.
UPDATE_NOT_SECUREmodules/ update/ update.moduleProject is missing security update(s).
UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTEDmodules/ update/ update.moduleCurrent release is no longer supported by the project maintainer.
UPDATE_REVOKEDmodules/ update/ update.moduleCurrent release has been unpublished and is no longer available.
UPDATE_UNKNOWNmodules/ update/ update.moduleNo available update data was found for project.
USERNAME_MAX_LENGTHmodules/ user/ user.moduleMaximum length of username text field.
VERSIONmodules/ system/ system.moduleThe current system version.
WATCHDOG_ALERTincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Alert: action must be taken immediately.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_CRITICALincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Critical: critical conditions.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_DEBUGincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Debug: debug-level messages.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_EMERGincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Emergency: system is unusable.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_ERRORincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Error: error conditions.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_INFOincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Informational: informational messages.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_NOTICEincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Notice: normal but significant condition.
See alsowatchdog()
WATCHDOG_WARNINGincludes/ bootstrap.incLog message severity -- Warning: warning conditions.
See alsowatchdog()

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