浏览 10233 次 / [ 老欣赏 ] 国外网站设计Union Station Neighborhood 地产网站设计欣赏
  • 发布时间 2011-09-16 03:05

  • 1440分辨率,点击查看原图

    More than a restoration—this is a renaissance. East West Partners
    and Continuum Partners welcome you to take a look at our vision for the future.
    Our vi­sion for this ex­cit­ing new neigh­bor­hood will trans­form the 14 city blocks be­tween Wynkoop and River­front Park—pre­vi­ously a no-man’s land of aban­doned rai­l­yards—into a pro­gres­sive urban cen­ter buzzing with of­fices, restau­rants, stores, con­dos, ho­tels and en­ter­tain­ment.
    The neigh­bor­hood’s core will be the re­de­vel­oped Union Sta­tion, a multi-modal train sta­tion con­nect­ing Den­ver and its outer bor­oughs to the rest of the world.
    But the heart­beat of the neigh­bor­hood will come from more than just the sta­tion and the build­ings that sur­round it. En­ergy will flow be­tween the streets, side­walks, sta­tions and parks, cre­at­ing a place where peo­ple will grav­i­tate, con­nect and want to be.

    Union Station Neighborhood _ Denver, CO 02.jpg
    Union Station Neighborhood _ Denver, CO.jpg
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