浏览 6491 次 / [ 产品设计 ] 1964 Cheetah Race Car猎豹汽车手绘稿--国外工业设计欣赏
  • 发布时间 2012-04-18 02:19
    • 1964 Cheetah Race Car
      Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra
    • This is image was done as a sponsored image for Masters of Chicken Scratch Vol 2. The 1964 Cheetah was created to compete against the Ford Cobra but was very short lived and never took off. After all the testing they were a very fast car but it never was able to get off the ground to actually race in the circuit. This version of the Cheetah was the original built all in aluminum. The later models were built in fiberglass.

      1964 Cheetah Race Car猎豹汽车手绘稿--国外工业设计欣赏

      1964 Cheetah Race Car猎豹汽车手绘稿--国外工业设计欣赏

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

      1964 Cheetah Race Car猎豹汽车手绘稿--国外工业设计欣赏

      1964 Cheetah Race Car猎豹汽车手绘稿--国外工业设计欣赏

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

      1964 Cheetah Race Car Originally designed and raced to compete against the Ford Cobra

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    howfar 7-16-2012 11:40
    lavaw 发表于 2012-7-15 16:02
