2019年4月15日,国际顶级设计奖项意大利A' Design公布结果,《红岩溪黄金茶》获年度铜奖,这也是湘西黄金茶品类首次在设计上得到国际奖项认可,颁奖典礼于6月在意大利米兰科莫湖畔盛大举行。
创意总监 / 设计师:曾岭
获得奖项:2019年度意大利A' Design铜奖
包装的主体部分是采用湘西土家族少女采茶画面,融合湘西特色如西兰卡普、吊脚楼、飞檐、俊秀山川等 凸显出非常浓郁的地域特征。呈现一幅民族自然好风光的画面,表达茶叶绿色健康原生态的概念。该系列 有红,绿,白三种颜色来区分红茶绿茶白茶。内盒在外盒基础上添加颜色,使整个设计更丰富。 因为最终是要反馈到消费者身上,所以我们更倾向于表现茶的品质与地方特色,还原健康原生态的感受, 又不失民族风味。
The main part of the package is the scene of tea picking by Tujia girls in Western Hunan. Among them, it combines the characteristics of Western Hunan, such as Xi Lan Ka Pu, pile dwelling, upturned eaves above, beautiful mountains and rivers, highlighting the strong regional characteristics.Presenting a picture of a nation, nature and beautiful scenery. Express the concept of green, healthy and original ecology of tea.The series of red, green and white colors to distinguish Black Tea Green Tea white tea. The inner box adds color on the basis of the outer box to enrich the whole design. Because the final feedback is to consumers, so we are more inclined to show the quality and local characteristics of tea, restore the feeling of healthy original ecology, without losing national flavor.