This module allows taxonomy administrators the ability to restrict setting individual terms on nodes by user or role. This developed out of a need to allow limiting creation of specific newsletters in the SimpleNews module to a user or role. For example, franchise owners can be limited to their own newsletters while managers can have access to all newsletters. However, the module could be applied to other situations where specific terms are considered to be "privileged" terms, such as marking a wiki page as stable or verified.
Drupal 7
Work has started for a Drupal 7 release of the module.
For information about sponsoring development of this module, please contact Andrew Berry.
Taxonomy Term Permissions 模块为 Drupal 增加了术语表访问权限控制,使管理员能够定义哪些用户/角色可以使用词汇表中的哪一些术语。举个简单的例子,一个综合性女性门户网站,使用名为“栏目分类”的术语表进行内容分类,栏目分类的结构大致如下:
为了便于管理,以及编辑们在发布内容时操作方便,使用 Taxonomy Term Permission 模块为不同的编辑小组分配不同的栏目权限,比如“服饰编辑小组”可以使用“服饰”及服饰的子栏目,“美容编辑小组”可以使用“美容”及美容的子栏目,除了管理员分配的栏目使用权限之外,特定的用户/角色看不到没有权限的术语。
使用 Taxonomy Term Permission 模块为不同的用户/角色分配不同的术语使用权限,使指定的用户/角色只能使用特定的术语,从而实现对内容分类的控制。