1.怎样写代码创建一个节点" G4 f$ T5 d( z
. v& F8 K4 \! G U
1.1初始化一个节点对象$ O' }( w: L# b1 T( k+ W2 i3 e5 g
$ Q1 Q& z2 q( `# v- z# C
<code>1 b4 f2 a r7 H' f
$node = new stdClass(); //创建一个节点对象, j( f* r& ]0 E
$node->type = "page"; // 指定节点的类型0 e& }- `3 b" _$ I1 _$ I
$node->title = "你的节点的标题";
, p& p: j% s. m5 E1 B$node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // 如果locale模块启用,那么指定你的语言代码
) y2 W! H1 o9 @$ n& F, l$node->uid = 1; // 指定节点创建者ID$ v: ~+ {* m8 {- E
$node->path = array('alias' => 'your node path'); // 设置节点访问路径
) S; {& |! w! x: d! v- gnode_object_prepare($node); // 设置一些默认值! d6 f8 ]- }. _' S- R: D
</code># b* H8 R7 `. b; d" l- k
把$node->language 设置为LANGUAGE_NONE,如果你没有安装locale模块,这个节点不会被指定为某种语言,这就是我为什么设置为LANGUAGE_NONE这 个常量。在Drupal里,节点和列能存在多种语言,因此,如果你的网站是多语种,那么你就必须要在这里指定你展示内容的语言代码。你能在后台 Configuration -> Regional and language -> Languages配置语言和获取语言代码。* g e$ J0 r: I2 C8 R' x1 F' G& C2 d. g
- o: _( q# j5 C5 F3 `
1.2添加一个body列8 x" h* T4 {" a6 P
<code>3 u& D+ N) w: I- A, M0 R, v
$node->body[$node->language][0]['value'] = 'body的内容';, ~% S! e! m/ X
$node->body[$node->language][0]['summary'] = 'summary的内容';# Q) @" F2 h* x6 r4 G1 k
$node->body[$node->language][0]['format'] = 'filtered_html'; // 如果有多种输入格式,你可以设置成你想要的。这里我就设置成系统默认的
2 [5 U. X9 B3 h" e6 E7 c</code>
k. q# q5 K, q9 ^4 X5 s0 L2 n4 X! P: K/ v9 j( A8 O5 @- r6 q
- C$ y: c6 b. E' S
6 G' X+ a2 u8 q/ O* `) k<code>! Q+ v/ j6 k7 \, m5 {! M7 {
//我们添加一些用CCK/Fields API创建的列。它跟添加body列十分相似
" P" g }* w/ N! o* g* y" C$node->field_custom_name[$node->language][0]['value'] = '自定义列值';
}6 l5 |' |( Z' S- [) B//如果你的自定义列有输入格式,别忘了在这里设置它
% H. T0 t7 [) _; ]9 A# o6 r$node->field_custom_name[$node->language][0]['format'] = '';
, k( ~/ S& f& I2 w* ?- W. J @</code>/ d% t2 \- Z6 y, j
# j4 C0 E% E0 \" F- y8 U, T
3 O2 m4 D9 c# j
$ A( i. E6 x! _4 H- N, o<code>
! v7 W1 L# }& C! ^9 V* L) {2 Q- p//下面是一些系统上的文件, ~! D& B1 k% e& {2 d) s' Y* D
$file_path = drupal_realpath('somefile.png'); // 创建一个文件对象
, ?" G6 S) ?* W; O& Y* v7 U, f' J! o- R$file = (object) array(
0 C7 v9 L* k# ^9 r* L; h: S8 { 'uid' => 1,3 H0 n& ~" _ C! g/ D: v
'uri' => $file_path,
! X/ n0 Z8 U0 ^ 'filemime' => file_get_mimetype($filepath),
. }: R1 L1 u) J$ L" e 'status' => 1,( ?% n# J( N0 {* U& k
);9 o7 t0 x# ?, q9 j
$file = file_copy($file, 'public://'); //保存文件到你指定的文件目录6 ~2 D/ K- |. U1 {* _4 a
$node->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = (array)$file; //关联文件对象到image列6 H6 K$ x! R. ?( s2 n
2 g& d" c! ]4 a4 d' x; u+ ]4 Q5 n4 I6 F
- N; V! d" T/ d6 N) n/ E, ?0 u5 \) m: [" i7 Q# n+ V& J; l" h
# y6 r: l. W: P& r$node->field_tags[$node->language][]['tid'] = 1;) H! f; ]) X: T0 r7 Z
. H0 f% r- A, k'field_tags'是绑定到你节点类型上的分类名,1是分类的ID,很简单!
8 y( g* n" f4 U2 z! w5 n( P; E
" r p8 K* f9 U+ o. W# `1.6保存节点5 i5 i4 m" D) k8 p7 E0 W( V& @/ L
, ~4 ?: w0 Q* N5 R0 D m
4 `* Z' ~; M7 r4 T9 X; G5 D$node = node_submit($node); //提交节点$ O4 l' B# \0 @) y
node_save($node); // 保存节点. S4 h: r u# c
7 p% O: z. y. H3 A) u
( w1 K$ w( T# y$ C8 h `, h$ h2 C& P- `! i) s: ?- h
' O8 K! W# b5 {" I9 B$ k
9 O2 @& l, |! |3 j+ A, R4 l9 g3 P0 r<code>9 J7 I- l9 k/ q
9 s) u( x9 r* N// Let's create a managed object $comment = new stdClass(); // We create a new comment object% a! t8 h( f" j
$comment->nid = $node->nid; // nid of a node you want to attach a comment to8 [, ]/ X2 z* G, W" `0 j) U; e8 t
$comment->cid = 0; // leave it as is6 H- |/ P) _; J; o8 o' |
$comment->pid = 0; // parent comment id, 0 if none
( x+ w0 s: r: }5 F5 H6 b/ C$comment->uid = 1; // user's id, who left the comment6 H- a" ]: e- {6 \& K
$comment->mail = '<a href="mailto:email@example.com">email@example.com</a>'; // user's email
2 f( Y# e! h E! c: s3 t$comment->name = 'User name'; // If user is authenticated you can omit this field, it will be auto-populated, if the user is anonymous and you want to name him somehow, input his name here# Z4 u( H: X, _" m* f
$comment->thread = '01/'; // OPTIONAL. If you need comments to be threaded you can fill this value. Otherwise omit it.7 O% I/ `7 l! |+ r
$comment->hostname = '127.0.01' // OPTIONAL. You can log poster's ip here
8 G$ M( C' \! E( I8 ^% a( u+ z% S2 O$comment->created = time(); // OPTIONAL. You can set any time you want here. Useful for backdated comments creation.
& k4 S! w, i2 ?: H1 ?: }6 `* j$comment->is_anonymous = 0; // leave it as is' N6 ~% z0 W/ U5 D" E2 O5 o) h, f
$comment->homepage = ''; // you can add homepage URL here$ N" L( t/ z. L) k! ^- P% i* [
$comment->status = COMMENT_PUBLISHED; // We auto-publish this comment+ s* s/ [2 Z! {
$comment->language = LANGUAGE_NONE; // The same as for a node
- F5 T7 j- P% }1 c( O* m) g: B$comment->subject = 'Comment subject';7 K6 x8 B. a6 |* W2 F
$comment->comment_body[$comment->language][0]['value'] = 'Comment body text'; // Everything here is pretty much like with a node8 O+ Z& x. F( z8 U6 z1 Y- _
$comment->comment_body[$comment->language][0]['format'] = 'filtered_html'; U: p. D- p3 @' e% k. S6 l# d
$comment->field_custom_field_name[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = ‘Some value’; // OPTIONAL. If your comment has a custom field attached it can added as simple as this // preparing a comment for a save
, t( T; V) `$ @$ b \0 Scomment_submit($comment); // saving a comment3 x, v: f3 X: x) z, d. F' E& |
) o# J2 T0 u8 |. ^: c</code>: W& Q" o7 A+ S6 ^& |/ t% q
6 e; [! v9 e1 G
, W5 V& L) j: |2 W# R% \3.怎样写代码创建分类
; T4 i; i6 a- ~& p4 A m7 R4 q- d$ |2 h
这是最简单一部分了! `( ?0 u6 n$ t- T, [
5 b8 S% z9 i* R; ~- C0 M% T5 l$term = new stdClass();
$ S2 L B# G7 Y- _. M- Y$term->name = ‘Term Name’;
2 g- `+ }* a) |$term->vid = 1; // ‘1’ is a vocabulary id you wish this term to assign to3 b1 D3 A& |2 \+ O Z" f5 D
$term->field_custom_field_name[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = ‘Some value’; // OPTIONAL. If your term has a custom field attached it can added as simple as this
6 P* g4 G, W9 c9 Dtaxonomy_term_save($term); // Finally, save our term# Q3 C, L' v+ T3 |
</code>0 B# W; z% Z" _1 U
. k2 I6 q$ l4 k# i0 b
原文:http://timonweb.com/how-programm ... taxonomies-drupal-75 K" f, u# X" l2 K
( |/ X' q: }: B( [
& H; |; |9 r6 L! y! G- b2 m; r) W