浏览 6686 次 / [ 网页设计 ] 历年全球十佳全FLASH技术网站-登月:We choose THE MOON高清截屏
  • 发布时间 2011-11-29 11:24
  • 1969年7月阿波罗11号终于在月球着陆,使逐步推进的阿波罗登月计划达到高潮,阿姆斯特朗也成为登陆月球第一人,美国在月球探测中取得了最为辉煌的成果。

    本站纪念此次事件,整站由复杂的Flash AS语言配合数段视频组成。全程配合历史录音,身临其境。



    WeChooseTheMoon.org was designed to celebrate the Fortieth anniversary of the Apollo 11 Lunar landing by developing an interactive recreation of the event.

    The site uses Flash to mesh archival video, audio, & photos into an experience that will make you feel as if you too had walked on the moon that day.

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 02.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 03.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 04.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 05.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 06.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 07.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 08.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 09.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 10.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 11.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 12.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 13.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 14.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 15.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 16.jpg

    We Choose the Moon  Pre-launch 17.jpg


    <历年全球十佳全FLASH特效网站--登月:We choose THE MOON 高清截屏欣赏>--由型动视觉论坛www.doooor.com--国外网站设计欣赏--搜集整理
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