Company BackgroundMoa Beer is the beer that comes from Marlborough, which is nice, because mostly Marlborough just makes wine, which is a bit boring. Moa uses the same deep bore water locals use to grow grapes and put out house fires. Moa Beer is also made the way beer used to be made before everyone started making it differently. So if somehow someone from 1950 travelled in time to go to the pub and had a Moa Beer today they wouldn’t be surprised by its full bodied taste. This is because Moa Beer is made by lots of people and not many machines, as opposed to lots of machines and not many people. They would however, be surprised by the cost as Moa is quite expensive and they’d be used to only paying two and six. Whatever that is. Josh ScottJosh Scott brewed his first beer in an old shed out the back of his father’s Marlborough vineyard in 1987. It wasn’t very good. Technically, because he was only 13 at the time it also wasn’t very legal. But that single event set the course for the next 20 years of Josh’s life.The very next day (officially, five years later when Josh was of legal drinking age which in New Zealand is 18) Josh and some mates from school (who were officially also all 18 years of age even though they were still in Third Form) set about finding out everything they could about the biology and chemistry of brewing. No small feat in 1987 as the Internet hadn’t been invented, school libraries didn’t really cater to their needs and none of them could drive to a library that possibly could.What followed was 15 years of trial and error, where Josh learnt the trade of Master Brewing at the feet of some of the world’s most well regarded traditional brewers. Until finally in 2003 he felt comfortable enough to produce a beer that people wouldn’t actually mind paying for and he established the Moa Brewery.Since then Moa have become staples at festivals worldwide, won the respect and loyalty of connoisseurs from Europe to the Americas and are currently one of the largest New Zealand beer exporters to the United States.Not bad for a 13 year old boy and a shed. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() -------------------------------国外设计调节线--------------------------------------- 唐僧肉食品 ![]() |