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[Drupal教程] Drupal7所见即所得编辑,灯箱,图片上传ckeditor,insert,colorbox

发表于 8-30-2011 06:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Drupal 7: editor wysiwyg, pictures upload, lightbox
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I was hoping that with the release of Drupal 7 an editor was finally built in but was not the case, so I decided to publish this guide (or tutorial if you prefer) to configure Drupal 7 to use the WYSIWYG editor CKEditor, buttons for entering images within articles and photo viewing with a Lightbox script.

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1)在sites\all创建名为libraries文件夹 。
1) Createa foldercalled "libraries"in the "sites\all" folder.
2) Download the colorbox (tested with 1.3.17) script at this url.
3) Unzip the Colorbox script and upload it to "sites\all\libraries" folder.
4) Download the CKEditor (tested with 3.6.1) at this url.
5) Unzip CKEditor and upload it to "sites\all\libraries" folder.
6)下载Drupal7版本的Colorbox(1.1测试版)模块 。
6) Download the Drupal 7 version (tested with 1.1) of the Colorbox module.
7)下载Drupal7版本的(2.1测试WYSIWYG模块 。
7) Download the Drupal 7 version (tested with 2.1) of the WYSIWYG module.
8)下载Drupal7版本的(1.1测试Insert模块 。
8) Download the Drupal 7 version (tested with 1.1) of the Insert module.
9)解压Colorbox, WYSIWYG, Insert这三个模块入,放入sites\all\modules文件夹
9) Unarchive the three modules (Colorbox, WYSIWYG, Insert) and upload them in the "sites\all\modules" folder.

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Now your "sites\all" folder must be like this picture.
10) Connect to your site as Administrator and go to the Configuration area.
11)启用Colorbox, WYSIWYG, Insert modules.三个模块。
11) Enable Colorbox, WYSIWYG, Insert modules.
12)编辑的“所见即所得编辑器Wysiwyg profiles”。
12) Edit the "Wysiwyg profiles".
13)设置CKEditor的Full HTML项目。
13) You need to set CKEditor for the Full HTML profile.
14) Click the Edit button and select all the buttons you want to use on your CKEditor.
15)编辑Colorbox---configuration。设置Large Image Style
15) Edit the Colorbox configuration.Set the Large Image Style.
16)进入Structure(结构),并选择Content Types(内容类型)。
16) Go to the Structure Area and choose Content Types.
17)点击Manage Fields(管理文章)内容类型的字段。
17) Click Manage Fields for the Article content type.
18) Create a new folder eith type Image and Widget Image
19) In the next form leave all the default settings and save.
20)在INSERT(插入)部分,选择"Enable insert button"(启用插入按钮),检查"Colorbox thumbnail"(Colorbox缩略图)复选框,设置 "Number of values"值为Unlimited(无限)。然后点击保存按钮。
20) In the Insert section select "Enable insert button", check the "Colorbox thumbnail" checkbox, set Unlimited for the "Number of values" option.

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21)在管理显示“部分中选择”Hidden隐藏“的标签和格式的新领域。(此处原文不是很清楚,最好返回Structure页面,点击Article (Machine name: article)一行右侧manage display(管理显示)可看到下图界面),LABEL和FORMAT设为Hidden
21) In the Manage Display section select "Hidden" for the label and Format of the new field.
现在,当你发表文章的时候,如果设置Text Format为Full HTML格式,即可使用CKEditor。
(content type-Add content-Article)
Now when you create an article if you set Full HTML text format you can use the CKEditor.
Under the editor you find a "Insert" section where you can upload pictures and then you can insert them on the body.
When you click on the thumbnail the picture is displayed with a lightbox effect.
其他有趣的模块是所见即所得Wysiwyg ImageField和Media媒体,但他们还不太稳定 。
Other interesting modules are Wysiwyg ImageField and Media but they are not yet stable.
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2 z& N7 I! e6 V; `' Hhttp://jacklmoore.com/colorbox/

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