Boost用来为Drupal生成静态的HTML页面,可以极大地提高效率.它自身带有一个爬虫,用来判断过期的页面,并重新生成静态页面. 能够支持Apache, Nginx等主流web服务器,效率高于Varnish. Apache需要启用mod_rewrite , 另外需要启用简洁URL ' c) H' W* s: u1 }2 y8 C% R% P
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1 g/ g* s2 j/ H4 T$ Q4 ]Boost provides static page caching for Drupal enabling a very significant performance and scalability boost for sites that receive mostly anonymous traffic. Boost is very easy to install and has been throughly tested on Shared, VPS and Dedicated hosting.Apache is fully supported, with Nginx, Lighttpd and IIS 7 semi-supported. Boost will cache & gzip compress html, xml, ajax, css, & javascript. Boosts cache expiration logic is very advanced; it's fairly simple to have different cache lifetimes for different parts of your site. The built in crawler makes sure expired content is quickly regenerated for fast page loading. For shared hosting this is your best option in terms of improving performance.InstallThis is an advanced module and takes some extra effort to get it working correctly. Boost requires cron & clean urls to be working; you will also have to edit your .htaccess and robots.txt files." g. D+ {7 f' t6 ^5 j* o, J: Y
Quick Way: Fix all Boost errors & warnings on your status report page admin/reports/status
: i6 a( h1 b% t) JDetailed Way: Read the accompanying README.txt for installation and usage instructions.Handbook PagesRecommended modules, tips & tricks, testimonials and other useful information is available on the Boost Handbook PageCredits4.7 Originally developed by Arto Bendiken2 U* J* p; l3 |1 n
5.x Port by Alexander I. Grafov.
5 D- e5 G9 {/ g( B3 \5.x Developed & Maintained by no one at this time. #454652: Looking for a co-maintainer - 5.x
; V. X) h/ e' \: y$ u$ q7 H6.x Port by Ben Lavender.( k) S0 T- r+ l* X5 B0 @* p" y) `
6.x Developed & Maintained by Mike Carper. I do accept Donations./ \9 r- z% k; b$ @& U
7.x Port being worked on by Mike Carper.The following people currently have CVS access: Arto Bendiken, Moshe Weitzman, Barry Jaspan, Justin Miller, Ben Lavender, Josh Koenig, Ian Ward and Mike Carper.Lists Of Other Caching Modules; J: B" I( l, {& ^/ S( M Issues For CoreDon't change filenames for aggregated JS/CSSHelp test development snapshots for a stable 6.x-1.19 and 7.x-1.0 releaseMany issues were fixed since the release of 6.x-1.18. You are strongly encouraged to test a development snapshot and provide feedback in the issue queue. View 6.x-1.19 blocking issues.The Boost 7.x-1.x version is usable with basic features. View open 7.x-1.x issues.
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