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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.x、6.x:CAPTCHA验证码模块及模块中文包(Drupal 6.x)

发表于 1-29-2012 15:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

CAPTCHA 是 Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (区别人和机器的完全自动的公开的图灵测验)的首字母缩写。这是一个典型的“挑战-回答(challenge-response)”测试,用来验证网站用户是否为人类。CAPTCHA模块是一个工具,可以用来打击产生垃圾内容(spamming)的自动提交机器人,防止其在如评论表单、用户注册表单、留言薄表单等处提交垃圾内容。你将可以在表单上使用验证码机制,以使人类用户可以简单的通过验证,但对于自动机器人则难度很大。

方医生制作了CAPTCHA模块的Drupal 6.x的中文语言包,欢迎下载。





    A CAPTCHA is a challenge-response test most often placed within web forms to determine whether the user is human. The purpose of CAPTCHA is to block form submissions by spambots, which are automated scripts that post spam content everywhere they can. The CAPTCHA module provides this feature to virtually any user facing web form on a Drupal site.

    Co-maintainer wanted

    We do this our spare time, which is unfortunately almost nonexistent at the moment due to real life obligations. To give the CAPTCHA module the required level of maintenance, an extra co-maintainer would be welcome. If you're interested in helping with this very popular module, please contact me or open an issue in the CAPTCHA module issue tracker.

    Additional CAPTCHA Modules

    Other Information


    You could also consider spam filtering or hybrid solutions like:

    • The AntiSpam module, is the successor of the Akismet module, and it provides spam protection to your Drupal site using external antispam service like Akismet, TypePad and Defensio.
    • The Mollom module, similar to AntiSpam module, it only presents a CAPTCHA if the user input (e.g. a comment) looks like spam. Also provides stand-alone CAPTCHA service with intelligent, reputation-based CAPTCHAs. It is restricted to the Mollom service
    • The spam module provides spam filtering and related tools

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