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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.X,6.X:Drupal for Firebug模块---提高调试函数库效率分析

发表于 1-29-2012 16:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Drupal for Firebug

使用Drupal for Firebug辅助开发,可以极大的提高调试Drupal模块函数的效率,分析每个页面上的Views, Forms等信息。它会在Firebug的Tab中增加一项。

这个插件是配合 Drupal for Firebug模块使用的( http://drupal.org/project/drupalforfirebug),在使用插件前,必须先开启Drupal的模块。


Drupal For Firebug

This module is a helper module for a customized Firefox plugin that displays Drupal debugging and SQL query information (thanks to integration with devel module) to the Firebug window.

The current Firefox development plugin can be downloaded from the Mozilla.org Drupal for Firebug Page.

To get the module installed and working please do the following things:

  1. Download and install the module.
  2. Set the appropriate permissions for user's to see debugging information. By default only UID 1 can see anything.
  3. Make sure that your theme is outputting the $closure variable. Most themes do, but some do not (and should).
  4. Download the latest version of the Firefox plugin (see links above) and make sure its enabled.

Update: There is now a Drupal for Chrome extension!


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