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[Drupal模块] Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块

发表于 2-13-2012 02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Backup and Migrate 也可以解决一个大问题,经常有导出来的数据库sql脚本超过大小超过限制,传到服务器上之后,使用phpmyadmin,导入时候提示内存备用完了的错误。。装上以后,导出的时候,它会把一些缓存中的数据,一些无关的数据表去掉, 用Backup and Migrate  倒出来的sql会小一些,这样phpmyAdmin就很轻松的导入进去了。这个说法我还没有试过。

Backup and Migrate模块提供简易的备份或资料库搬移功能,备份资料可存储在网站上或者下载到本地,支持以下格式格式GZip,Bzip,Zip的备份回存,定期备份,手动备份回存。




Backup and Migrate

Backup and Migrate simplifies the task of backing up and restoring your Drupal database or copying your database from one Drupal site to another. It supports gzip, bzip and zip compression as well as automatic scheduled backups.

With Backup and Migrate you can dump some or all of your database tables to a file download or save to a file on the server, and to restore from an uploaded or previously saved database dump. You can chose which tables and what data to backup and cache data is excluded by default.

New Features in version 2.x:

  • Backup/Restore multiple databases
  • Backup to FTP/S3/Email
  • Drush integration
  • Multiple backup schedules
  • AES encryption for backups
  • Backup your files directory (with the Backup and Migrate Files module)

Security Notice backup files saved to the server are protected from the public by default by a .htaccess rule which will only work on correctly configured Apache Servers. If you are using a server other than Apache, it is recommended that you do not save backups to the server or that you find another way to protect the backup directory from the public.

The module will attempt to check if the destination directory is publicly readable before writing to it, but users are strongly encouraged to confirm this manually by trying to directly download the backup files with a web browser.

This module is not intended for migrating just part of your site from one environment to another. If you want a solution that migrates only certain content, check out this discussion on groups.drupal.org.

This module is sponsored and developed by Gorton Studios



Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块由国外设计论坛www.guowaisheji.com整理发布,转帖请注明,谢谢!

 楼主| 发表于 2-13-2012 02:51 | 显示全部楼层
Backup and Migrate 使用设置方法:
/ k8 B! j$ g: X1.从上面提供的链接到官网Backup and Migrate,放在本地sites-all-modules下,到modules列表页面启用,注意启用后清理一下缓存,否则下一步找不到。3 ~; B7 x0 d' Y! ]4 v7 P* d; s/ Q

) o; h% ]; j- {! e6 }0 v2.在Configuration-的system组内,点击进入Backup and Migrate设置。界面如下图:3 R8 ]1 r2 ~: U$ c) `9 k' i, b
9 ~) @* o# w4 `! t5 K# J
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Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块
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Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块
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Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块
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Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块
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回存的时候选Restore就可以了。$ V- X/ G) r" E
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+ s$ f! y  Z; A; o. Q( kDrupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块由国外设计论坛www.guowaisheji.com整理发布,转帖请注明,谢谢!
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 楼主| 发表于 2-13-2012 03:10 | 显示全部楼层
补充下,Drupal 6.X里Bachup and Migrate的位置如下图:
  a  l* \# O& [
) F  t8 f8 v4 x/ h4 U2 E* }# p

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块教程

Drupal7.X,6.X模块介绍Backup and Migrate 备份与搬移模块教程

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