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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.X模块介绍:One Click Upload图片一键快速批量上传神器!

发表于 2-18-2012 06:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

下面英文介绍中Howfar下载的是SWFUpload.swf v2.5.0 Beta 3.2 bug fix (small image resizing)最新版本,如果遇到问题再发不迟。

回来补充:Beta版本只有一个swf文件??? v2.2.0.1 Core解压后431KB,不算小...



One Click Upload图片一键快速批量上传模块惊艳效果(视频演示)

drupal 7.X模块介绍:One Click Upload图片一键快速批量上传模块.jpg



1.Extract module archive in sites/all/modules---下载后解压到sites/all/modules下

2.Enable module One Click Upload---启用

3.Download SWFUpload v2.2.0.1 Core, extract archive in sites/all/libraries and rename dir SWFUpload v2.2.0.1 Core to swfupload. After this file swfupload.js must be available on path sites/all/libraries/swfupload/swfupload.js.---下载SWFUpload v2.2.0.1 Core,解压到sites/all/libraries,重命名为swfupload,swfupload.js文件必须在sites/all/libraries/swfupload/swfupload.js.里。

Drush users can use the command drush ocupload-dl-library.---Drush用户可以使用的命令drush ocupload-dl-library

Drupal 7.X模块介绍:One Click Upload图片一键快速批量上传神器! 由国外设计论坛www.guowaisheji.com整理部分翻译,转载请注明,谢谢! C4 M: f! m3 ?' u" s9 O1 b/ n, k" U


One Click Upload

Button for BUEditor and CKEditor which allows upload files in one click.


  • Upload images and insert into editor image code
  • Upload files and insert into editor link code
  • Multi-upload files and images
  • Integration with image styles
  • Editable html templates

Video screencast (in WebM format) with work of module.
Описание модуля на русском языке.

Similar modules

Install One Click Upload

  1. Extract module archive in sites/all/modules
  2. Enable module One Click Upload
  3. Download SWFUpload v2.2.0.1 Core, extract archive in sites/all/libraries and rename dir SWFUpload v2.2.0.1 Core to swfupload. After this file swfupload.js must be available on path sites/all/libraries/swfupload/swfupload.js.

    Drush users can use the command drush ocupload-dl-library.

Integrate to BUEditor

  1. Open BUEditor config page admin/config/content/bueditor.
  2. Click Edit link for your use editor.
  3. Add new button with code: js: E.showFileSelectionDialog(); (do not change this code!) (screenshot).
  4. Click Save configuration.

Integrate to standalone CKEditor 7.x-1.4+ (not Wysiwyg module)

  1. Open CKEditor config page admin/config/content/ckeditor.
  2. Click edit link for your use editor.
  3. Open section Editor appearance, go to Toolbar field and drag&drop One Click Upload icon from All buttons to Used buttons (screenshot beforescreenshot after).
  4. Below, in Plugins field, choose checkbox One Click Upload (screenshot).
  5. Click Save.
  6. Clear your browser cache.

Integrate to Wysiwyg+CKEditor

  1. Open Wysiwyg config page admin/config/content/wysiwyg.
  2. Click Edit link for your use editor.
  3. Open fieldset Buttons and plugins and mark checkbox One Click Upload.
  4. Click Save.

If not work

  1. Check in browser next files:

    they should be available. If not — reinstall SWFUpload

  2. Check permissions on sites/default/files and path specified in ocupload template settings. Should be allowed to write.
  3. Check SWFUpload demo — should be work. If not — ask for help in SWFUpload forum.


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