浏览 7184 次 / [ 国内设计 ] 故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties
  • 发布时间 2012-03-02 00:45
  • 故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    The Imperial Palace collection "Twelve beauties"
    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”gu gong guan cang“shi er mei ren tu”

    During Yong Zheng's twelve ancient famous beauty.The twelve beauties of ancient is the performance of the Han culture and tradition,
    the artifacts are ancient literati liking things, more realistic depiction of the pen, the finger is full of fun,
    reflects the noble house upper-class family arrangement as well as the cultural environment, and is later generations understanding of human life strong evidence.



    li chi ru shi

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    这套图原是圆明园“深柳读书堂”围屏上的装饰画。圆明园位于北京西郊,是康熙帝赏赐给儿子雍正的园林山庄,也是雍正称帝前后最重要的行宫居所。雍正帝当年对这套图屏十分欣赏,为了妥善保管,传旨将它们从屏风上拆下。不仅如此,﹃清档﹄记:雍正十年﹁ 1732年﹂八月间又传旨将拆下来的这12幅图“着垫纸衬平,各配做卷杆”藏于宫内。

    bo gu you si

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    chi biao dui ju

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    yi ta guan que

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    hong lu guan xue

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    tong yin pin cha

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties



    mei ren zhan shu

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties



    zhu xia feng yi

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    yi men guan zhu

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    nian zhu guan mao

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    xiao xia guan die

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    户外湖石玲珑,彩蝶起舞,萱草含芳。室内仕女手持葫芦倚案静思。此画描绘的虽然是仕女夏日休闲的情景,表达的却是乞生贵子的吉祥意愿。萱草,又名忘忧、鹿葱。﹃草木记﹄谓“妇女怀孕,佩其花必生男”,因此,它以有助于孕妇生子,又有“宜男萱”之美誉。葫芦,属于生命力旺盛的多籽植物,常被用以喻 “百子”之意。画家巧妙地将萱草与葫芦绘于石侧、掌中,既增加了画面的观赏性,又蕴涵了求子的深意。

    qiu zhuang dui jing

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties


    After a lapse of 270 years , this set of Fig. Screen is still preserved intact, the study early Qing Dynasty palace woman hair style , jewelry and clothing culture of the most image and the real historical .

    Guys, Howfar is sorry, not only I and my robot, I am afraid that no one can perfect translation these words, not to mention the Chinese ancient poems,
    just as no one can perfect translation of the works of Shakespeare,

    SO,Picture Talk!!!
    The map below is the above mentioned the Imperial Palace of China, it is like Chinese characters as mysterious and fascinating, China welcomes you.


    中国.故宫(zhong guo gu goong)=  the Imperial Palace of China

    故宫馆藏“十二美人图”The Imperial Palace collection-Twelve beauties

    Foreign Design Forum www.DOOOOR.com released, reproduced Please keep this information , thank you!



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