Create your own online store!
The most complete e-Commerce solution for Drupal.
Currently, the e-Commerce includes core modules and several
Drupal versions
Drupal 7 is in the process of being ported, and I hope to be released very soon. Since the release for Drupal 7 will be a direct port of the 6.x-4.0 the upgrade should not take too long to complete. However I do feel strongly that we will not be able to make a final release until all the dependent modules, views, views bulk operations, rules, and ctools have stable releases for Drupal 7.x The currently have development releases and some have alpha releases, so I don't expect this to be too much of a holdup.
Drupal 6 is supported.
Drupal 5 is supported.
Drupal 4.7 and 4.6 is NOT supported or developed. Is available for historical purposes only.
e-Commerce 6.x-4.x has a couple of dependencies in order to allow for the best customer and store own experience.
For development resources see our mailing list and our API documentation on our e-Commerce Project site. Also, you can visit our IRC channel on #drupal-ecommerce.