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[Drupal模块] drupal 7.X/6.X模块介绍:电子商务e-Commerce免费在线商城模板

发表于 3-21-2012 18:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

访问 http://www.drupalecommerce.org!
随着 e-Commerce for Drupal 6 变化,因此我已经减轻-Commerce 为一个简单设置模块并且可以为贡献者扩展。这是一个伟大的模块以任何方式/a>. 因此如果有人想采用这个模块,可以请让我知道,您就可以开始维护。如果你有兴趣请与我联系,我可以告诉你更多。

  • 购物车和产品的"外观体验"主题化
  • 建立税务,收费和折扣
  • 订阅和定期付款
  • 接受捐款
  • 销售文件下载,运送物品,包裹,甚至即时定制产品
  • 库存管理
  • 支付和物流插件.该系统可以使用PayPal, Authorize.net, eWAY, C.O.D. 或者你也可以推出自己的
  • 生成发票和电子邮件通知
  • 交易和付款流程
  • 报告和销售统计
  • 客户可以浏览他们的购物记录
  • 运行一个拍卖网站



Only local images are allowed.Create your own online store!

The most complete e-Commerce solution for Drupal.

Visit http://www.drupalecommerce.org!


Currently, the e-Commerce includes core modules and several

  • Shopping cart and product 'look and feel' are themeable
  • Create taxes, charges and discounts
  • Subscriptions and recurring payments
  • Receive donations
  • Sell file downloads, shippable items, bundles or even on-the-fly customizable products
  • Inventory management
  • Payment and shipping plugins: The system can use PayPalAuthorize.neteWAY, C.O.D. or you can roll your own.
  • Invoice generation and email notifications
  • Transaction and payment workflows
  • Reports and sales summaries
  • Customers can review their order history
  • Run an auction site

Drupal versions

Drupal 7 is in the process of being ported, and I hope to be released very soon. Since the release for Drupal 7 will be a direct port of the 6.x-4.0 the upgrade should not take too long to complete. However I do feel strongly that we will not be able to make a final release until all the dependent modules, views, views bulk operations, rules, and ctools have stable releases for Drupal 7.x The currently have development releases and some have alpha releases, so I don't expect this to be too much of a holdup.

Drupal 6 is supported.

Drupal 5 is supported.

Drupal 4.7 and 4.6 is NOT supported or developed. Is available for historical purposes only.


e-Commerce 6.x-4.x has a couple of dependencies in order to allow for the best customer and store own experience.


For development resources see our mailing list and our API documentation on our e-Commerce Project site. Also, you can visit our IRC channel on freenode.net: #drupal-ecommerce.


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