Howfar对评论功能和样式设定一头雾水,刚好看到这篇文章,一面看,一面简单翻译一下,如果翻译完发现没用到,至少还能留在这里。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : u' Q, H$ V. e3 H3 J
The Comment module in Drupal allows users to comment on many types of site content, as allowed by the site administrator. Drupal的评论模块【Comment module】在得到管理员允许之后可以让用户对很多不同类型的内容进行评论, ( ]" z3 E2 K* h' O" x
Uses使用) j+ b, p/ H- T" ]4 ?# B
0 d* a" ]! o% e7 DWhen Comment module is enabled, users can post comments to discuss a forum topic, a blog post, a book page, etc. Comments behave like other user submissions. Filters, smileys and HTML that work in nodes will also work with comments if configured accordingly. 评论模块启用时,用户可以发表评论,讨论论坛的主题,博客文章,书页,像其他用户提交的行为等的评论。如果相应的配置,过滤器【Filters】,标签和HTML节点中的工作也将与评论工作。 ( Y2 n! F" n% n6 A& y I
As an administrator, you can specify the default comment settings for each content type. You can specify content permissions (for example, you can specify whether anonymous users can make comments). You can also specify whether comments are allowed for a specific node. 作为管理员,您可以指定每个内容类型设置默认的注释。您可以指定内容的权限(例如,您可以指定匿名用户是否可以提出意见) 。您还可以指定是否允许特定节点的意见。7 }" B/ n) k/ h6 t+ x
, f; y- P; z4 N
, {' |, M: K7 \7 U, P* w* s In Drupal 7 and later, you can add also add new fields to comments. 在Drupal 7和之后的更高版本,你也可以为评论添加新的领域【Fields】。
' r; H- \2 O d* g6 d
/ u! n. V/ J1 I. D+ a) D" e4 T& s; F5 `
You can also enable a Recent Comments block. For more information on enabling blocks, see Working with Blocks. 您还可以启用评论块。欲了解更多关于扶持块,到 Working with Blocks查看 。
4 w4 L! s2 c* Q/ A& i' c7 t( Q3 H, N: t; g5 d& l+ x/ S% v* I! e- D
, H9 N: ^4 f5 R; `7 M4 \" p, XThis section provides information on only a few of the many contributed modules that extend the core commenting functionality. 本节提供的信息只有少数的许多贡献的评论功能扩展核心模块。
5 ` c+ X8 T4 R7 Z" f
% M1 c! B; v; T$ r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) r8 i$ Q# u9 M, k) \+ e/ P0 V9 ~* B( D4 ^/ D
- C* J* `% v9 O1 D) R( y
Administering comments in Drupal 7 /管理意见
& S" Y" A* f9 @4 X
' d& I' k$ K$ p X8 B0 s8 F' kThis section provides information about configuring comment settings and administering the comments queue in Drupal 7.
# O0 e8 i; K4 c) x5 b. a' L本节提供有关配置注释的设置和管理意见队列在Drupal 7的信息。4 c, g/ Z8 j5 M& f* k5 f
. ?* e, g1 n8 U# P5 X# u$ t* s6 LModules to reduce spam comments:7 V9 c+ ?7 u/ y7 K* A% P
模块,以减少垃圾邮件的评论:/ R, m* Y0 _* j# H- c3 w: f1 q( ^
+ J* A3 c P t0 i! \
Mollom is configurable to offer both text analysis as well as CAPTCHA
) D8 {' @; j2 t, emollom配置同时提供文本分析以及验证码【CAPTCHA】
: F' Z8 c5 w( T" u- B
4 f# r- |: ^2 p- v' L+ k k; T3 ^CAPTCHA is a module that makes it easy to embed CAPTCHAs to prevent spam. The module page is a great reference guide to many other CAPTCHA like modules and other spam fighting modules
! e+ q+ I4 h Q) l; D0 `8 f+ }验证码【CAPTCHA】是一个模块,可以很容易地嵌入,以防止垃圾邮件的CAPTCHA的。模块的页面是一个很好的参考指南,像许多其他验证码模块和其他反垃圾邮件模块" |) ?( G7 ?2 E& v0 r( l
% } A' Z( u dAdministering a content type's comment settings 管理内容类型的设置评论: E% T* K% @: j: {9 g7 A# T3 g
To configure comment settings on a specific content type: 配置设置评论在一个特定的内容类型: 1.Navigate to the Content types administration page 导航到内容类型管理页面 (Administer > Structure > Content types or 3 y# N( V3 E7 K. l9 o5 J9 t
2.Find the content type you want to enable and click the "Edit" link. 找到要启用并单击“编辑”链接的内容类型。
) ^- a5 X `: |3 i3 [( j9 T9 a3.Scroll down and click the "Comment Settings" tab. 在下方,点击“留言设置”标签。
; k1 Y9 x S% j) Y, {0 B4.Here you can specify several different settings (some options will not appear until you've selected a certain setting). 在这里你可以指定几个不同的设置(一些选项不会出现,直到你选择了某些设置) 。
, K( Y% w' B, a7 v) U
, j5 m7 M! C5 T
7 R9 i* c2 A9 c/ L ?* A9 } Default comment setting for new content默认评论设置新的内容9 \! ^0 O$ O0 R7 [
; ~# y2 T3 _2 s) I* I
5 \& q4 p P) x ^' Z: m
The comment setting on future content of this type will default to: 今后这种类型的内容的评论设置默认为:
, b% p/ A" t0 z3 c - Hidden: No comments are allowed, and past comments are hidden.
- 隐藏:允许无评论,之前的评论也将隐藏。
- Closed: No comments are allowed, but any past comments remain visible.
- 关闭:允许无评论,但是之前的评论依然可见。
- Open: Any future content of this type is open to new comments.
- 打开:此类型的任何未来的内容是新评论。
- ) b" `* Z1 t4 j) M
Note: this setting is a default, and is not retroactive to existing content of the type. 注:此设置是默认的,是不溯及既往,以现有的内容类型。
7 a, m( q% A: w9 ~ThreadingWhen this option is enabled, comments are displayed in a threaded list (replies are indented to make discussions easier to follow). 注:此设置是默认的,是不溯及既往,以现有的内容类型。
7 A# d, k7 }1 |( m! {! f i1 y( b
D. H; ~) q4 |. {4 J( {. i Comments per pageSpecifies the maximum number of comments displayed on one page (additional pages will be added if you exceed this limit). 指定的最大数量显示在一个页面上(如果超过这个限制,将增加额外的页面)的意见。; X& D. C1 v$ _1 \
; z" L) o) F- O
Allow comment titleWhen this option is enabled, a user can fill in a title for their comment (the title is optional). 当启用此选项,用户可以填写在其评论的标题(标题是可选的) 。
( A# f+ H1 l3 l: z* \7 C* \
2 ?9 G8 x& C% c8 B, D/ i Show reply form on the same page as commentsWhen this option is enabled, the reply form is displayed on the same page as the comments. (If this is not selected, clicking "Reply" will take you to a new page where you can fill in the reply form.) 启用此选项时,答复的形式显示在同一页的意见。 (如果不选择,点击“回复”将带你到一个新的页面,您可以填写的答复形式。 )
7 S+ R5 n; e; w0 F/ I
+ f7 ?- { q0 f" n- ?5 o* v Preview commentsYou can specify whether a preview is "Required" (always be displayed prior to saving the comment), "Disabled" (never displayed), or "Optional" (the user has the option of displaying a preview). 您可以指定是否预览“必需”(前总是显示保存评论),“禁用”(从来没有显示),或“可选”(用户显示预览的选项) 。
( Z3 _( ]4 I, o
0 ?% @0 ?0 k( [. C, R" b! J Note: Be sure to click "Save content type" after configuring the settings. 注:务必设定后点击“保存内容类型” 。
! ~( \3 W. ?! N- v+ E3 _
. X9 [( | B* ?' ^6 ~
: V/ w! z# h3 G4 \+ n, CAdministering and approving comments管理和审批意见 S5 v' b2 @- }* G0 {& U& L7 A
5 Z `! N, t# |" h* w+ f. ?
Administering comments管理评论
1 D& L' M5 u4 U1.Navigate to the Comments administration page 浏览评论管理页面(Administration > Content > Commentsor
8 v* A+ Y6 v1 |: V& }; S R6 `2.From this "Published comments" page, you can select one or more comments to unpublish or delete using the checkboxes next to each comment (to select all, check the checkbox at the very top of the row).从这个“发表的评论”页面,您可以选择一个或多个使用每个评论(选择,检查行的复选框)旁边的复选框取消发布或删除的意见。
' X6 w0 R! C- V' O! T2 \
V9 e! L/ }9 S+ O/ ?, Q3.Use the dropdown above under "Update Options" to select one of the following options from the list:采用下拉根据上述“更新选项”从列表中选择下列选项之一- Unpublish the selected comments取消发布的选定评论
- Delete the selected comments删除选中评论8 T' i8 y4 T0 w; {% X5 D9 O$ F4 A
Click the "Update" button.点击“更新”按钮! k7 u) w" Y; v m
4 U0 o: ?7 p6 B& e4 r/ E
Approving comments审批意见To approve unpublished comments, click the "Unapproved Comments" tab and follow the above steps, selecting whether you would like to: 批准未发表评论,点击“未批准的评论”标签,并按照上面的步骤,选择您是否想:
# ?# |9 e, H2 O - Publish the selected comments发布选中评论
- Delete the selected comments删除选中评论& \( B) E _1 T2 t
1 x. L/ L' {% k- _
User permissions for comments用户评论权限设置To configure user permissions for commenting you must be logged in as either User 1 (the administrative user) or as a user with the "User: Administer permissions" permission: “用户配置为用户评论您必须登录1用户(管理用户) ,或作为与用户权限:管理权限”权限:
$ y, L* q1 R6 ?/ t( s- d - Navigate to the Permissions administration page 浏览权限管理页面(Administer > People > Permissions or
- In the Comments section, enable or disable the permissions for each role:在评论部分,启用或禁用每个角色的权限:
7 \; A8 _" L& @2 c7 n# [7 l- Administer comments and comment settings管理的意见和评论设置
- View comments查看评论
- Post comments (If a user has this and not the "Skip comment approval" permission, their comments will show in the "Unapproved comments" list until someone with the "Administer comments and comment settings" approves them.)张贴意见(如果用户有此,而不是“跳过评论审批”权限,他们的意见,直到显示“未批准的意见”名单将在“管理的意见和评论设置”有人批准他们。 )
- Skip comment approval (Comments are published immediately and do not need to be approved.跳过注释批准(评论立即发布和不需要得到批准。
- Edit own comments (This does not allow the user to delete comments, only users with the "Administer comments and comment settings" can delete comments because if comments are threaded, replies to a comment are deleted with it.)编辑自己的意见(这不会允许用户删除的意见, “设置管理的意见和评论”的用户可以删除,因为如果是螺纹评论,删除评论的答复意见。 )$ c0 d$ R! V0 {* o, |
8 [( G }! W! r- s7 K, H
Note: Granting anonymous users the permission to post comments can dramatically increase the amount of spam. It is recommended that you set up a spam filtering module if you choose to allow anonymous comments. 注:匿名用户授予的权限要发表评论,可以极大地提高垃圾邮件的数量。据建议,设立一个垃圾邮件过滤模块,如果您选择允许匿名评论。
) z2 n) z9 J. @1 NAdding fields to the comments for a content type内容类型添加字段的评论 0 ] d2 ]7 J7 l, f
To add fields to the comment form for a given content type: 将字段添加到一个给定的内容类型的评论形式:
0 ]' S5 ^4 f7 F8 u6 l9 f$ y4 o# }* U8 p4 y3 j5 K8 O# T4 C0 `
Navigate to the Content types administration page 导航到的内容类型管理页面 , R5 c) y( j2 u. o3 J
Find the content type for which you'd like to add fields on the comment form, and click "Manage fields" next to it.Click the "Comment fields" tab.In the "Add new field" section, enter a human readable "Label" for the field.In the "Name" field, enter the machine name for the field. (You can only use numbers, lower-case letters, and underscores.)In the "Select a field type" dropdown list, select one of the following types:BooleanDecimalFileFloatImageIntegerListList (numeric)List (text)Long textLong text and summaryTerm referenceTextIn the "Widget" dropdown, select a widget. The options vary depending on the field type chosen.Click "Save". 找到的内容类型,你想加入域的评论形式,并单击“管理域”旁边。单击“域”选项卡。在“添加新字段”部分,进入一个人类可读的“标签”的领域。在“名称”字段中,输入机器名称的领域。(你可以只使用小写字母,数字,和强调。”)中选择一个字段类型”下拉列表中,选择下列类型之一:booleandecimalfilefloatimageintegerlistlist(数字)列表(文本)长textlong文本和summaryterm referencetextin“小工具”下拉菜单,选择一个部件。该方案取决于字段类型选择点击“保存”。
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