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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.X/6.X模块介绍:自动翻译更新-Localization update模块

发表于 5-5-2012 05:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Localization update - Translation updates page 

Localization update模块可自动下载并更新你安装的模块的翻译文件,省的你一个一个去下载导入了。

安装以后,去路径 admin/build/translate/update 查看核心和各第三方模块的翻译状态即可。

Localization update

Automatically download and update your translations fetching them from localize.drupal.org or any otherLocalization server.


Integrating with git checkouts/集成的git检出

This module is based on concepts very similar to Drupal core's update module. 


Modules and themes with their corresponding drupal.org projects are identified and translations are downloaded for the appropriate versions.


If you use git checkouts instead of package tarballs or zip files, use Git deploy module, so projects and versions are identified properly. (For legacy CVS checkouts, the CVS deploy module will work).

如果您使用GIT中检出,而不是包压缩包或ZIP文件,使用git部署模块,所以正确识别项目和版本。 * x0 ~# q1 a( }, k (对于传统的CVS签出, CVS的部署模块将工作) 。

Known issues

  • Big translation files might run into your PHP timeout (#569004).
  • Development snapshots do not have translations downloaded (#1001554).

Related projects

  • Localization client, on page translations that can be automatically submitted to the translation server
  • Localized Drupal, an install profile that will download translations automatically

This module is based on Open Atrium translation updates.

Project Information


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