国内首家二次元潮LIVE酒吧 The first animation element fashion LIVE Bar in China
我要和你在一起 I want to be with you 甜蜜入侵
The first animation element "fashion LIVE" music scene in China - I want to be with you is located in the youngest commercial district of Shenzhen. The founder was Feng Wang's exclusive guitarist Xiong Lin, who caught the young people's eyes with animation element by his steady music basis.
![]() 深圳市福田区民田路购物公园东门1楼127号 No. 127, 1st Floor, East Gate, Mintian Road Shopping Park, Futian District, Shenzhen
![]() 二次元并不是所谓的“非主流”
The animation element is not a so-called"non-mainstream", it refers to a virtual spirit world created by both the creator and the audience.
![]() 在发达的社会环境下,人们越来越独立和自我,精神世界慢慢占据生活。在这个意义上,二次元不仅包括漫画、番剧,游戏、电竞、文学作品等都算是二次元文化,二次元文化的核心诉求就是创造和追寻一个理想世界。
In the developed social environment, people become more and more independent, self-reliant and the spiritual world slowly occupies life. In this sense, the animation element includes not only cartoons and bangumi,but also games, electronic sports and literary works etc.. The core appeal of Animation element is to create and pursue an ideal world.
![]() 在这一点上,恰好符合娱乐产业的发展方向。新冶为投资方捕捉到的市场空白,指出了新的市场人群和消费特点,推出了全国第一家二次元音乐现场。
At this point, it coincides with the development direction of the entertainment industry. Newera design pointed out the new market crowd and consumption characteristics for the blank market captured by investors and launched the first Animation element-music scene in China.
![]() 为了更完美地展现二次元世界,设计师用“二维感”的霓虹灯勾勒整个空间,打通室外墙体,模糊室内外的界限,吧台与户外融汇一体,并且在软装细节上做出调整和创新。
In order to display the animation element-world more perfectly, designers use "two-dimensional" neon to delineate the whole space, break through the outdoor wall, blur the boundary between indoor and outdoor, integrate the bar counter and outdoor, and make adjustments with innovations in the details of the software.
The lobby is set off a legacy independent space by neon with bright colors and fantastic soft-wear design; Using exaggerated shoe props to make space compartments which reflects the designer's unique ingenuity; each box adapts to the famous scenes in cartoons, different themes to render the atmosphere of each small space; And restore the devices in cartoons and games highly.
This will greatly arouse the customer's "hobby friend mind" and resonance, increase the users' viscosity, designers create a perfect quadratic hobby friend space for customers.
![]() 独特的画风和不同的故事背景,用音乐进行串联,调动游戏、漫画、文学等不同场景的基因,体验和尊重每一种文化爱好。
Unique painting style and different story backgrounds are connected in series, mobilized the genes of different scenes such as games, cartoons, literature, using music, to experience and respect each cultural hobby.
![]() 这不仅是一种文化行为,是一种生活方式,更是一种信仰。
This is not only a cultural act, a way of life, but also a belief.
![]() 我们会一起看漫画、打游戏、追番、二创……
We will watch cartoons, play games, watch bangumi, carry out second creation together...
![]() 永远年轻,永远在一起。
Always young, always together. |