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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.X模块介绍:Autocomplete Deluxe提高widget体验,tag立体化

发表于 6-9-2012 02:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Autocomplete Deluxe[直译:豪华自动完成]:提高autocomplete widget的用户体验,tag标签立体化,并展示一个下拉可选框 截止今日06092012仅有D7版本。



Autocomplete Deluxe


This is an enhanced autocomplete element, that uses the JQuery UI autocomplete. It will also implement a widget for taxonomy and lists

这是一个增强的自动完成的元素,使用jQuery UI的自动完成。它也将实施分类和列表控件

There is also an implementation for the Referencesmodule:
还有实施的References module :
Autocomplete Deluxe for Refenreces


  • Combo/Select box like selecting.
  • Select without entering something.
  • Widget for lists and taxaonomies
  • Active tag like multiple selecting.

If you want to deny adding new terms, then checkout Content Taxonomy. It has Autocomplete Deluxe integration and Autocomplete Deluxe itself will check if the option "deny new terms" is set and use a list style widget. Therefore it won't have to get retrieve all terms from the server every time something new was entered.


API changes for beta 3:
The key '#options' was renamed to '#autocomplete_options'.

API changes for beta 4:
The key '#autocomplete_path' was renamed to '#autocomplete_deluxe_path'.

This project is sponsored by epiqo. Visit us at epiqo.com or contact us.


发表于 12-17-2012 23:33 | 显示全部楼层

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