2019年3月,素有“设计界奥斯卡”之称的德国IF设计奖(iF Design Award)颁奖典礼在德国慕尼黑盛大举行。片刻创意原创品牌《恍然古法腊鸭》脱颖而出,继《恍然酒》之后再获IF食品饮料包装类设计奖。 2019年4月15日,国际顶级设计奖意大利A' Design公布结果,《恍然古法腊鸭》再获A' Design设计奖,颁奖典礼与6月在意大利米兰科莫湖畔盛大举行。 设计公司:片刻创意(长沙/深圳) 创意总监/设计师:曾岭 设计指导:杨虹 设计助理:沈莎 插画助理:肖婕翠 获得奖项:2019年度德国IF设计奖 2019年度意大利A' Design设计奖 恍然古法腊鸭包装的设计创意来自20世纪中国集市上背着破洞麻袋的养鸭人,鸭从麻袋上的破洞里探出头呼吸,用这种富有年代感的情景来体现腊鸭传统的手工腌制工艺,同时与消费者产生情感共鸣。恍然所用的鸭在天然水域里放养,从小与鱼为伴嬉戏,把养鸭人的形象做了一点趣味设计,体现养鸭人如同爷爷一样对鸭悉心照顾。包装采用环保纸卡盒印刷,无特殊工艺 、成本低 、生产快,同时节省储存空间便于运输。 The design idea of the packaging of HuangRan Traditional Preserved Duck comes from a duck breeder with a broken sack on his back in the Chinese market in the 20th century. Ducks breathe through the holes in their sacks.The sense of age is used to reflect the traditional manual curing process of preserved duck, which has an emotional resonance with consumers at the same time. All the ducks of Huangran were raised in natural waters, they play with fishes since childhood. Huangran makes a little interesting design of the image of the duck keeper, showing that the duck keeper takes good care of the duck as grandpa does.The packaging is made of Kraft Paper paper Folding box, No special printing process, low cost and can be produced fast. |