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[Drupal模块] Drupal 7.X/6.X模块介绍:Node clone 节点拷贝成克隆副本

发表于 8-20-2012 21:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Node clone

The clone module allows users to make a copy of an existing item of site content (a node) and then edit that copy. The authorship is set to the current user, the menu and url aliases are reset, and the words "Clone of" are inserted into the title to remind you that you are not editing the original content.


可以从已存在的节点(node)copy一份过来,然后编辑保存。copy过来的内容作者是当前的用户,菜单和 url aliases 都会被重置。clone过来的节点会在title上加一个"Clone of"来提醒你这是copy过来的,以便和之前的节点区分开。


安装上node clone后,默认的所有内容类型都会启用,你也可以设定,导航到 admin/settings/clone 然后在Omitted content types:这里勾选不想启用的内容类型即可。这样,当你在浏览启用的内容类型的文章时,有个Clone tag,点击,然后你就有一个它的副本了。

This module is similar in purpose and function to the "Edit As New" module that was available for Drupal 4.5.

这个模块是类似的目的和功能模块是为Drupal 4.5提供的“新编辑” 。

Important: In general, any complex or custom node type may not clone cleanly. This module has an extra hook in case you want to try to do a little extra cleanup to make a specific node type work.


Older versions are not recommended for use together with the internationalization (i18n) module due to unpredictable effect on translation behavior in certain circumstances, however this should be fixed in latest 6.x-1.2 and later releases.

旧版本不建议,由于在某些情况下,对翻译行为的影响不可预知的国际化(i18n % P- M; K: Z1 y+ N8 z)模块共同使用,但应固定在最新的6.x的1.2和更高版本。

The module provides two mechanisms to clone current content. The default pre-populates the form for adding a new node, but nothing is saved to the DB until that form is submitted. With the alternative save/edit method, a copy of the current node is saved to the DB, and then presented in the edit form. When using the save/edit mode, the admin can set whether a confirmation screen is required, and in all cases you can set whether to reset the publishing options on a per-content-type basis.

模块提供了两种机制,克隆当前内容。默认的预填充表单,添加一个新的节点,但并没有被保存,直到该表单被提交到DB ! y- ?4 d c# r% O1 ^ 。与替代储存/编辑方法,当前节点的一个副本被保存到数据库,然后在编辑表单。当使用保存/编辑模式,管理员可以设置是否需要一个确认屏幕,在任何情况下,你可以设置是否重置每一个内容类型的基础上发布选项。

This module has also been used by some to facilitate node templating.



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