LinkImageField is a CCK module that allows you to specify the hyperlink for images with a custom URL. The CCK ImageField allows links from the image to the node or to the image itself, but not to a user supplied link.
Example Use:
Your site supplies a product image and description, but you want the image to link off-site to an affiliated web store.
Co-Maintained by John Young
Helped in 5.x Development: Harini
6.x release
The 6.x release acts pretty much like a 6.x CCK ImageField, except that it provides a field for the URL. Please read the README for more installation and usage instructions. The current 6.x-1.0-alpha1 release is stable (as far as I know), but really needs testing before I'd consider it final. The 6.x version also adds support for imagecache formatting.
Requires the following modules:
Imagecache Module.