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[Drupal模块] Drupal7.X/6.X模块:Weight按时间节点&鼠标拖曳排序

发表于 12-4-2012 17:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Posted by NancyDru on June 1, 2005 at 10:19pm
This module adds a weight option to enabled node types. Nodes with lower weight will float to the top of lists, while heavier items will sink. It uses the node table's 'sticky' column to store weights as well as sticky information (so that feature is not lost).
该模块增加了一个的权重选项,启用节点类型。低权重的节点会浮到列表的顶部,而较重的将下沉。它使用节点表中的“粘性”列来存储的权重以及粘信息(该功能未丢失) 。


You might be interested in reading Comparison of Node Ordering Modules.
This is useful for sorting non-chronological nodes like bios, e-commerce products, or whatever you would like.
排序按时间节点,如BIOS ,电子商务产品,或任何你想,这是非常有用的。

Nodes will be sorted first by stickiness, then by weight, then by creation date.

With support for 7.x, the support for 5.x ends. It is available as-is only.

Version Status

Version 7.x-2.x is currently under active development. It is a complete rewrite to take advantage of new features available in Drupal 7. The 7.x-1.x version will be supported until there is a stable release of 7.x-2.x, but there will be no new development on it. Version 6.x-1.x will remain the recommended and supported release for Drupal 6.


As with all contributed modules, when considering submitting an issue:

  1. Read the documentation (two or three times is better). Don't forget the handbook pages.
  2. Review the existing issues list. (Don't forget to select "<all>" for the "Status" field.)
  3. Gather all the appropriate information. This may include (but is not limited to):
  • Drupal version.
  • Browser type and version.
  • Database type and version.
  • Error messages, if any.
  • Module settings.
  • Submit the issue. If other modules are involved, you may need to submit the issue to those modules as well.
  • PHP 4 and MySql 4

    Due to end-of-life on PHP4 and MySql4, we no longer actively support either of those products. If a problem arises, we will make an effort to work around it, but will not make a guarantee. Drupal 7 requires PHP 5.2.5 or higher and MySql 5 (or Postgres 8); if your host is not at these levels yet, please encourage them to get there ASAP.

    Development version status

    The development versions (-dev, which rolls up at Noon and Midnight GMT) are where the newest stuff is, including any bug fixes and new features. We try to make sure it is tested before we commit anything, but occasionally a bug will get by us. Your help on testing this code is greatly appreciated. The translation templates may not always be up-to-date in the dev releases.


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