浏览 5274 次 / [ 老欣赏 ] 国外非营利设计机构Eighty Two Design网页设计欣赏
  • 发布时间 2011-08-18 16:25
  • 82 started designing flyers and promotional shirts for non profit youth events working to raise awareness about social injustices and humanitarian relief programs. Through our efforts, we unknowingly awakened a sleeping giant. We loved to use design to help tell a story that could not otherwise be told or heard. Since then our goal has been to help provide design services to those who do good work in this crazy world. One way to offer huge discounts to our Non-Profit friends is by taking on For-Profit companies with competitive design service rates. With a little sacrifice, great love and a whole lot of design elbow grease we can help change the world. For-Profit Companies can help us help others by allowing Eighty Two Design  to take on their next design project. If you are interested in starting your new project today, click here now.


    Funtography « Eighty Two Design.jpg

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    Converse « Eighty Two Design.jpg

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    国外非营利设计机构Eighty Two Design网页设计欣赏 出自 型动视觉 www.doooor.com