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[Drupal模块] Drupal模块介绍:Mollom阻止垃圾评论&用户

发表于 1-15-2013 10:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Mollom - Drupal--自动过滤垃圾内容,阻止垃圾发布者注册、发表评论或与你联系。

  • 1: 下载最新版本 "Mollom" .
  • 2: 解压到桌面上的“mollom”文件夹
  • 3: FTP 上传文件夹 "mollom" 到 /sites/default/modules/
  • 4: 前往 Administer >> Site building >> Modules. 勾选 "Mollom" 并点击"Save Configuration"。设置并启用Mollom
  • 5: 登录到Mollom.com, 并创建帐户点击在右上角的菜单 "Manage sites"
  • 6: 选择 "Add subscription"为你的网站创建新的匹配码(或 "edit subscription"来访问绑定到您的帐户现有网站的订阅).
  • 7: 返回Drupal网站并浏览  Administer >> Site configuration >> Mollom.
  • 8: 输入上面创建的匹配码



Mollom logo

Mollom is an "intelligent" content moderation web service. By monitoring content activity on all sites in the Mollom network, Mollom is in a unique position to determine if a post is potentially spam; not only based on the posted content, but also on the past activity and reputation of the poster. In short, Mollom handles incoming posts intelligently, in much the same way a human moderator decides what posts are acceptable. Therefore, Mollom enables you to allow anonymous users to post comments and other content on your site.

How it works

Mollom may block a post outright if it is from a known spammer. If Mollom is unsure how to classify a post, it may require the completion of a CAPTCHA to accept the post. Posts that do not match a "spammy" text pattern and do not originate from known spammers are accepted without the need to complete a CAPTCHA. Essentially, Mollom acts as a proactive content moderator that is on the job 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A stand-alone CAPTCHA solution, which neither considers user behavior nor point of origin, can never achieve this level of informed protection, and generally requires users to solve a CAPTCHA on every post. Using Mollom's text analysis, users must only solve CAPTCHAs when Mollom is unsure about a post.

The Mollom module allows other modules to integrate their forms with Mollom. Forms exposed by Drupal core, including the user registration and comment forms, are supported by default.

Mollom is actively developed and maintained by Dries Buytaert, the founder and project lead of Drupal, and Benjamin Schrauwen. Mollom is currently used by more than 30,000 sites, including Sony, Adobe, LinuxJournal, Warner Bros Records, Netlog, NBC, and others. As of September, 2010, Mollom currently protects over 30,000 websites with an average efficiency rate of 99.93% - which means that only 7 in 10,000 spam messages are not routinely caught by Mollom's filters. Since Mollom began operating, it has prevented almost 300 million spam posts from littering the web.

More information


  • Use the Mollom support ticket system or send an e-mail in case of issues pertaining to the Mollom service but not the module
    • e.g., inappropriately blocked posts, too much spam posts getting through, etc.
    • Make sure to include the Mollom session IDs of the concerned posts (which can be found in your site's Recent log messages).
  • Use the issue queue for bug reports and feature requests pertaining to the module for Drupal.

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