浏览 5994 次 / [ PS工具 ] 修牙增白(Teeth Whitening)--PS动作
  • 发布时间 2013-01-20 14:04
  • 短小精干牙齿漂白
    修牙增白(Teeth Whitening)--PS动作.jpg
    How to install the action:
    1. Put the .ATN file from the zip in a directory of your choice. It does not need to be in the Photoshop directory.解压后得到.ATN,它不需要放在PS图象处理软件目录。

    2. Choose Load Actions from the Actions palette menu.

    3. Select the action set file from die directory you saved it.

    4. Click Load.点击“加载”。

    (160.82 KB) (无法下载?提醒修复 )