1. 可以直接下载个 http://drupal.org/project/drupal_wiki 进行安装 2. 分别下载相应module 安装
不需要建立字段,所有内容下载body内,edit_section.module会根据_EDIT_SECTION_REGEX (h1, h2 ,h3, h4 ,h5 ,h6)设置进行分割,可以实现一块块内容进行编辑修改哦, 同时还可以添加修改的log日志信息哦,
Wiki installation profile
The wiki installation profile will set up Drupal with the following settings: - Moderator role which can revert / delete pages
- Revisions for pages
- Freelinking - easier creation of HTML links to new or existing pages
- Edit a section of a page (based on header)
- Mediawiki input format
- Categorization via free tagging vocabulary
- Views: All pages / All categories / All Images
- Recent changes
See the readme.txt for the requirements of additional modules prior to installation. I am taking suggestions on a default "Wiki like" theme. [td]
Development releases[td]