常常是这样:一旦有钱就万事亨通,左右逢源。 ----《没有不散的宴席----黄蕙兰回忆录》 以前,吸引女孩子的最好方法,就是买一辆好车。后来,女性们变得聪明了,自己买下好车,这样就不必忍受与混蛋一起开车兜风了。(In less enlightened times, the best way to impress women was to own a hot car. But women wised up and realized it was better to buy their own hot cars so they wouldn't have to ride around with jerks.) ---- Scott Adams 有些人是如此富有激情......他们的动机只是想表达自己,分享知识或者见解,找到持有相同看法的其他人。(...passionate individuals-- those of us who simply want to express ourselves, share our expertise or insights, and reach an audience of like-minded others.) ---- Chris Alden 没有什么比一个共同的敌人,更能使得人们团结起来了。一起攻击一个外人,所有人因此就都成了自己人。 ----Paul Graham 就我所知,没有一个美国人为了要成为作家而愿意住阁楼的。 ----蒂莫西·德怀特 A leader cannot lead until he knows where he is going. ---- 美国电视剧 Lost(s01e05) Those who can, do. Those who can't, simulate. -- anonymous 拔牙很痛,有麻醉药就能解決,但我们沒有可以用來拔除旧观念的麻醉剂。 ----马克思(转引自赖建诚《牛頓對亞當史密斯有過影響嗎?》) Man is the best computer we can put aboard a spacecraft... and the only one that can be mass produced with unskilled labor. - Wernher von Braun
所谓"创造力",就是你允许自己犯错误。所谓"艺术",就是你知道,自己犯的哪一个错误,值得保留下来。(Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.) ---- Scott Adams 正常人相信,如果一样东西能够正常运作,就说明它没毛病。工程师相信,如果一样东西能够正常运作,就说明它的功能还不够丰富。(Normal people... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.) ---- Scott Adams 黑客的世界没有领袖,但是确实有英雄、长者、历史学家和发言人。 (The hacker culture doesn't have leaders, exactly, but it does have culture heroes and tribal elders and historians and spokespeople.) ---- How To Become A Hacker, by Eric Steven Raymond 名望和地位不是来自于你对他人的支配,或者你有多美,或者你有别人没有的东西,而是来自于你的付出。(You gain status and reputation in it not by dominating other people, nor by being beautiful, nor by having things other people want, but rather by giving things away. ) ---- How To Become A Hacker, by Eric Steven Raymond Linux的世界没有秘密。(In Linux, there are no secrets!) ----Learning the shell "你的电脑"这个概念正在过时,取而代之的是"你的数据"。 ----Paul Graham 学习一门计算机语言,第一个层次是学习使用工具,第二个层次是设计和创建一个工程。 ----C Primer Plus 传统就是先入为主的东西。 ----unix编程艺术,by Eric S. Raymond Windows拥有一群已经对机器经常崩溃和无数安全漏洞习以为常的用户。 ----unix编程艺术,by Eric S. Raymond 最早的时候,所谓程序员,就是大型机的神父。 ----Unix编程艺术,by Eric S. Raymond